Thursday, December 30, 2010

Seeing What Is to Come

This makes me sound like the ghost from A Christmas Carol.  Sometimes it is like that, sometimes it isn’t.  The first time I really saw what was coming that I really remember was when I was 13.  To tell you that story, I have to tell you this one…
            In 1977, my grandfather had to have a triple heart bypass.  The doctors told him he would live for about another ten years.  Throughout the years, he continued to eat Grandma’s cooking and smoking Camel cigarettes.  Needless to say, this did not do well for his heart.  (Of course if I had to live with my grandmother, I would be smoking something harsher than Camels). 
            Grandma and Grandpa came out to the ranch that I mostly grew up on in August 1987.  I was standing at the sink, looking out the window, washing dishes when they pulled up.  That is the only thing I really remember about that visit except that Grandpa hugged me and told me that he loved me and would always love me.  That was not like my grandfather, who usually began and ended phone conversations with a grunt.
            On Labor Day, Grandma and Grandpa were out camping and Grandpa had at least two heart attacks.  Grandma did not know how to drive a stick shift, so they were stuck there.  When they got back, Grandpa went to the doctor, and did what he was supposed to do.  He stopped smoking cigarettes and took up watercolors to avoid extraneous activities. 
            December 11, 1987 I had a dream.  I dreamt that I was on the porch with my grandpa.  He told me that he had to go.  I cried and told him he couldn’t leave yet.  He said he had to go, that he loved me, and he would always be with me.  The phone ringing woke me it.  It was midnight, and my grandfather had just died.
            Grandpa’s words have been true.  I have seen him and felt him several times, some of which will be revealed in future stories. 
            That dream was the first time I dreamed or saw what was happening somewhere else or with other people either in the present or short term future, but it certainly has not been the last.  Many people can attest to that, and I will write more stories later about that another time.  For now, simply remember that love lasts forever and through many different physical and non physical plains.  Love NEVER dies.

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